Bert Moll

More than 165k times played this month

Bert Moll (1955) began his musical career at a young age, initially focusing exclusively on organ playing. Since 1970, he has been the organist of the Dutch Reformed Church in Huizen, a position he still holds with great dedication.

From 1978 onwards, Bert Moll specialized in choral music and established himself as a choir conductor. Due to his craftsmanship, musicality, and, undoubtedly, his love for spiritual songs, the choirs under his direction have grown both in size and in artistic quality.

Choirs that have greatly benefited from Bert Moll's leadership include the Christian Choir Association "Deo Juvante" from Huizen, the Christian Men's Choir Lelystad, and the Christian Men's Choir "Con Forza" from Woerden. Currently, he is the conductor of the Urker Men's Choir "Hallelujah" and the Urker Voices. Additionally, he serves as a producer of DVDs and CDs for various labels, with numerous productions bearing his mark.

Bert Moll has the ability to elevate his choirs to great heights, whether performing a simple spiritual song or a grand classical work. For him, motivation is all about emotion, as he once mentioned in an interview with the Reformatorisch Dagblad. "I constantly emphasize that the singers must empathize with the text. A good listener understands what is going on in me at that moment. If they feel that, the music changes. It's fantastic when you can achieve and experience that together. Then it happens that listeners say afterwards: That song really touched me."