Martin Mans

More than 465k times played this month

Martin Mans was born in 1965 in Melissant. On the South Holland island of Goeree-Overflakkee, he also discovered his love for the organ. Martin Mans received his first organ lessons as a seven-year-old boy, took on the accompaniment of various choirs at the age of eleven and became the permanent church organist of the church in his birthplace at the age of twelve. In his youth, Mans won several competitions. Organ playing at the age of fourteen for the NCRV radio soon followed the competitions. The basis of his organ playing was therefore formed at an early age. In addition to his organ studies, Martin Mans professionalized in choral conducting.

In 1995 Mans became organist of the Breeplein Church in Rotterdam, where he is still active today. He has collaborated on more than five hundred CD recordings. Full of enthusiasm, he then made a series of DVDs. Martin Mans received one platinum and two gold CDs for his sales successes. Mans did not achieve this by sitting still. He gives an average of two hundred and fifty concerts a year and not only within the country's borders. Foreign concert tours took him through Europe, Canada, America, Australia and South Africa.
Martin Mans regularly performs for radio and television. He accompanies and conducts various choirs and well-known artists, shows unprecedented enthusiasm for new projects and, together with pianist Jan Vayne, forms the duo 'Twee Klaviervirtuosos'. He is also artistic director of The Martin Mans Band. He is conductor of the Christian Waddinxveens Men's Choir de Gouwestem, the Chr. Streekmannenkoor Noord-West Veluwe from Nijkerk, the Zaans Interdenominational Men's Choir and he leads the men's ensembles The Martin Mans Formation and the Urker Mans Formation. With his Vocalgroup VOICE he brings classical and popular choral music of a high level. Very special is his conductorship of the Canadian Men's Choir LIBERTAS "The Voice of Liberty". Several times a year he travels to Ontario in Canada to lead this men's choir.
Unique is the series 'Between you and me' that Martin performs with his son Jos. He also writes music for organ, choir and orchestra in various line-ups.
In 2010, Martin Mans received a royal decoration for his musical and cultural merits.
