André Nieuwkoop

More than 555k times played this month

André Nieuwkoop (1990) was born in Werkendam. At a young age, his musical talent and interest became evident. As a little boy, he looked in awe at the large organs in churches. At home, through practice and attentive listening, he taught himself the art of playing the organ. Despite occasional organ lessons on the advice of various people, André Nieuwkoop found his own path in the world of organs with a unique style. The inspiration to improvise arises spontaneously from his love and interest in organs. After working alternately in inland shipping and with the Royal Navy, André is now employed by the Rotterdam Police. He continues to combine Psalm-singing evenings with his work at the Police. These evenings are attended by people from across the country and beyond, young and old alike. Various CDs and solo CDs have been released from Zaltbommel, Dordrecht, Gorinchem, Goes, and Kampen. André Nieuwkoop's wish is that organ music and congregational singing may lead to eternal blessing.


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