Ton Adema

More than 641 times played this month

Ton Adema (1959) was born in Voorschoten. He received private organ lessons from Ben Feij. He then went to the conservatory of Utrecht, where he studied organ with Kees van Houten. He also studied at the conservatory of Hilversum. There he received organ lessons from Haite van der Schaaf. He also studied choral conducting with the Italian conductor Maurice Broussard. He graduated from the conservatory in 1986.

Ton is the conductor of three (regional) choirs in Kampen, which perform both sacred and classical pieces. He is also the conductor of two instrumental ensembles. Since 2001 he has been one of the regular church organists of the Reformed Congregation in Kampen. Ton works as a music teacher at the Pieter Zandt School Community.

He worked as an organist and conductor on several CD recordings. With his son Niels and his brother Henri (both also trained at the conservatory) he made a CD recording on the organ of the Grote of St. Nicolaaskerk in Vollenhove.

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