Bovenstemgroep ''Wâlterswâld''
More than 23.0k times played this month
Our Overvoice Group originated in the summer of 2011 and finds its roots in the northernmost municipality of the Reformed Reformed Church, the Reformed Reformed Church of Wâlterswâld (Wouterswoude – Friesland).
Since then, on Sundays during worship services – except for communion and funeral services – several Psalms with the overvoice are sung. On the first Sunday of the month, there is an evening event called 'Psalm Singing at the Organ' in the church. For about an hour, everyone who enjoys singing gathers to sing Psalms, with each person being able to suggest one. The 'overvoicers' make ample use of this opportunity to practice the overvoice. Additional practice sessions are held for these Psalm singing evenings.
As an Overvoice Group, we regularly organize non-rhythmic Psalm singing evenings with the overvoice. In addition to these events, we are invited to participate in non-rhythmic Psalm singing evenings across the country. We are often joined by the Overvoice Group from Waddinxveen on these occasions.
The Wâlterswâld Overvoice Group is an interdenominational group of men from the (Northern) Friesland region. Our home base is the church building of the Gereformeerde Kerk Vrijgemaakt in Wâlterwâld (where the services of the Reformed Reformed Church also take place). In addition to practicing on the first Sunday evening of the month and maintaining the overvoice during worship services, special practice sessions for the singing evenings are often held on several Friday evenings from 7:00 pm to approximately 8:15 pm. Information about these practice sessions will be posted on the website.