Wilco Veldkamp
More than 997 times played this month
Wilco Veldkamp was born on May 4, 1983 in Wapenveld and as a 4-year-old boy already showed a lot of interest in keyboard instruments such as the organ and the piano. That this interest has not gone away needs no further explanation.
Wilco received his lessons from musicians such as Thijs Snoeijer and Harm Hoeve, among others. He also trained and developed himself at the Schumann Academy, among others.
Wilco is currently active as organist of three churches in the region. As a pianist and choir accompanist he is, in addition to Christian Men's Choir De Lofzang, associated with Chr. Men's Choir 'Hanzezangers' in Zwolle and gospel choir 'Inspiration' in Harderwijk.