'Soli Deo Gloria' Enkhuizen

More than 94 times played this month

On April 10, 1997, the choir 'Soli Deo Gloria' officially began in Enkhuizen. The choir consisted of members from Enkhuizen, as well as from Den Helder and Amsterdam. In short, members came from all over North Holland. At one point, the association had more than 70 members. Currently, the association has nearly 35 choir members aged 14 and older. The Christian mixed choir is affiliated with the Reformed Community in Enkhuizen, but people from outside this church denomination are also members. Members of the choir have experienced a sense of solidarity, which still holds true to this day. Thus, the association serves as a unifying factor for people who enjoy singing.

Mr. M. de Vries started as the first conductor. He began with the song 'Heer, ik kom tot U' (Lord, I come to You), which is also the first song on the CD. In addition to Mr. M. de Vries, the choir has had other conductors: Mr. H. Roubos, Mr. J. Groenendaal, Mr. J.J. Loosman, Mr. G. Zoer, and Mr. M. Willemsen. Currently, the conductor is Mr. P. de Jong. He conducts the choir in Enkhuizen almost every week. He does this together with pianist Mr. R. van Pijkeren. Furthermore, during this recording, the choir is musically accompanied by organist Mr. L. Schaak, violinist Mrs. H. van der Blonk-Schalk, and finally by Mr. P. de Jong on the horn.

One of the goals of the singing association is to spread the gospel. Especially during Christmas and Easter, performances are organized in churches, various nursing homes, and evangelization posts in the nearby area or even farther away. Guest choirs are regularly invited, and the choir also participates in singing evenings for people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities.

Our thanks go out to everyone who has contributed to the association over the past 25 years. Above all, we thank the Lord, because the choir has been in existence for 25 years. Additionally, it is our prayer that we as an association may continue to sing for many years to come to honor Him. Soli Deo Gloria!
~ Looking back in memories, brings gratitude for blessings ~