Peter Eilander
More than 13.1k times played this month
Peter Eilander is organist of the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn. He began his career as an organist at the age of ten in the Tabernacle Church in Vaassen. In 1974 he became organist of the Rehoboth Church in Heerde. Since 1981 he has been organist of the Eben-Haëzer congregation in Apeldoorn, which inaugurated the new church in 1995 and the new Steendam organ in 1997. He studied at the conservatory in Zwolle with Dorthy de Rooy (organ) and Epke de Jong (piano). He then took interpretation lessons with Nico Waasdorp and Jan Bonefaas.
As a concert organist, Peter Eilander plays both in the Netherlands and abroad. He has performed in America, Germany, England, France, Hungary, Ireland (Dublin), Latvia (Riga), Russia (St. Petersburg) and Spain.
Peter Eilander is the conductor of the Christian mixed choir Cantate Deo in Amersfoort, the Christian men's choir Higgajon in Harderwijk, the Christian men's choir Door Eendracht Verbonden in Werkendam and the men's choir Oefen Baart Kunst in Elburg.
Peter Eilander is a teacher at the Music Education Centre in Holten and has an extensive teaching practice. Pupils, from all over the country, come mainly for his romantic interpretations and his approach to accompaniment during worship services.