Gelders Mannenensemble, Apeldoorn
More than 6.0k times played this month
The Gelderland Men Ensemble was founded at the end of 2012. The Gelderland Men Ensemble consists of 12 singers.
Singing in a male ensemble is and remains a unique experience. Most men's choirs
consist of a significant number of members. Not so with the Gelderland men's ensemble.
Here the 4 parts are played by 2 or 3 men and that requires courage and guts.
Because of the level of voice and singing, this small-scale ensemble speaks to the men of the GME
very much.
The pieces of music that the GME sings show a broad genre. Psalms, spiritual
hymns, but also Negro spirituals and classical choral works comprise the repertoire of
the GME.
As GME, we wish you a lot of listening pleasure. We look forward to meeting you at the concerts, to which the GME contributes.